My last dinner club, in February, needed to be quick and painless, since February is a very busy month at work. I decided to scour the crock pot recipes and get everything ready the night before to decrease dinner club stress. Usually, just pouring lots of wine helps, too. So, in the crockpot went lots of different types of beans, onion, cumin, garlic, crushed tomatoes with jalapenos, etc... For appetizers, we started with deviled eggs, cut carrots, and celery with peanut butter. Very comfort food-esque. Then we had our vegetarian chili with cilantro, cheese, and sour cream on top and yummy cornbread on the side. For dessert, we had port and sliced cheeses and pear. Overall a pretty healthy dinner club!
Aww man! Sorry I missed this one. Sounds like a perfect winter dinner!