I was so proud of the meringue I made for Dinner Club that I posted a picture of it on
Facebook. I think I received about 20 requests for the recipe. I have to say that I am now a huge fan of this egg white dessert and I don't know why it's not more prevalent -- in restaurants or in home cooking. It's a cinch to make and it's less fattening than cake or pie. (OK, meringue isn't as satisfying as cake or pie since it's lighter and healthier, but it's still a worthy dessert.) This meringue was inspired by Jamie Oliver's cooking show, but since I didn't really follow the recipe, I don't think I'm violating any copyrights by posting it here: Preheat the oven to 300F. Beat SIX EGG WHITES until stiff peaks form. Add one and 1/4 cup SUGAR, and a pinch of SALT to the whites. Beat until sugar is dissolved (not grainy when you rub mixture between your fingers). Grate the zest of an ORANGE into the whites and mix it up. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Heap the mixture onto the sheet into whatever shape you want (to fit your dessert platter) -- just make sure it's two to three inches in height. Make lots of peaks and valley on the top with a spatula. Bake for one hour and 25 minutes. After it cools, you can add whatever toppings you want. I drizzled on melted DARK CHOCOLATE, vanilla cream (whip together 1 pint CREAM, 1
tblsp. VANILLA), BERRIES that I soaked in Gran
Marnier, and toasted HAZELNUTS. Serves 8.
One of the very best desserts that I have had in along time. I ate my serving, Claire's AND Chris's! So good.